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Meet the Gang!


It's always nice to know a little more about the people behind our Healing Fellowship. We hope you'll enjoy these short biographies our our Founder and Committee Members. 

Maggie Mittins-Ladd

I founded the Fellowship after many years of Healing and working as a Healer in various organisations, both national and local. My passion is for helping others through healing, astrology and associated therapies. 

Over the years, it has been my great privileged to train many Healers through the Fersfield School of Healing. 

Lesley Delve

I had been a healer for several years prior to qualifying in Spiritual healing with the Fersfield School of Healing in 2012.


I joined the committee of The International Healing fellowship in May 2016.


I am a mother and a grandmother and my hobbies in no particular order are Tai Chi, reading and gardening.



Paul Lambillion

I have been a full-time healer, clairvoyant, teacher and writer on psycho-spiritual topics for over 35 years having published 6 books. I am also the eternal student on all matters esoteric and spiritual. My courses and trainings are held both in UK and Europe.

Graham Davies

I have been a healer and complementary therapist for more than 30 years. In addition to healing, I currently offer meditation, clairvoyance and counselling. I continue to research and study all of these subjects. 

© The International Healing Fellowship 2015 - All rights reserved

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